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Thursday, 27 August 2015

Daily paintings to music - new Instagram project

Hello hello! So I said I wasn't going to do any more online marketing this year until I had a larger collection of art, but hey I've changed my mind!

I'm currently mainly Pinteresting my new works here:

Feel free to follow me and pin away. I have also just this week become addicted to the wonder that is Instagram and am using that to document my latest daily project, a painting a day.

My printmaking is quite detailed and 'tight' and I've not been painting for ages now. So I've come up with this looser outlet where I paint my own intuitive response to a song of my choice everyday. The photos aren't perfectly polished Insta shots, but that's not the point. They are quick, real photos taken often at night on my phone of my equally quick paintings. I'm hoping to go deeper with my abstract watercolours and maybe come up with some inspirational ideas to bring into my printmaking.

If you want to follow my daily paint splodges I'm @lauralongprint on Instagram. Here are a few taster photos of the week so far:

Sunday, 29 March 2015

New work in 2015

Hello anyone who is still out there reading this. I've not posted for some time now but I hope you're all still out there. Christmas 2014 was crazily amazing, I co-organised my first print fair, helped set up a Christmas pop-up shop full of local artists and designers and sold out of a couple of editions of prints! (well they were short runs..)

It was my best Christmas yet for exposure and sales, but I have to tell you that I still need to work a 'day' job to pay the bills, and in November last year it was also time to start a new 'day' job. This has meant much less time for art-making, but I hope it will work out to be a more sustainable way for me to live in the long-term.

As a result of all these changes, I have decided to make 2015 all about getting better at my art and focusing on new personal work. This means this little blog will probably be even quieter and I am going to pretty much abandon all forms of marketing until I have a decent body of work to show you.

In the meantime, here are a few peeks of works in progress and some breathtaking mountains that I recently climbed.

Axolotl in progress

Pen-y-ghent - playing with colour
© Laura Long 2015

Red Tarn - The Lakes
© Laura Long 2015

© Laura Long 2015

© Laura Long 2015

Lunar Lumber, 2015 - woodcut
© Laura Long 2015